JH: 10:00 a.m. CST: Critical Illness Benefit Rider

May 17, 2018 @ 10:00 am – 10:20 am

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Ready to learn about how you can offer your clients a new, innovative approach to critical illness coverage?
With a lump-sum, income tax-free1 payment that’s separate from — and in addition to — the life insurance benefit, John Hancock’s Critical Illness Benefit rider can help protect your clients throughout their working years from the financial burden associated with a critical illness.Join our experts for a 20-minute webinar about how our Critical Illness Benefit rider offers clients the protection they need:

  • Pays a benefit upon the insured’s initial diagnosis of a covered critical illness
  • Preserves the death benefit by offering a payment that’s from a separate benefit pool
  • Protects your clients’ lifestyle by helping to cover the costs associated with recovery and day-to-day expenses